Our manga strip „VOICE OF SATORI” is in one of the most prestigious
manga anthologies MNG АЛЬМАНАХ
РУССКОЙ МАНГИ, Russia . This is our Russian language debut. We’re
thrilled to share our work with our talented colleagues in the anthology and
the many fans of ФАБРИКА КОМИКСОВ/ COMICS FACTORY. You can learn more about MNG АЛЬМАНАХ РУССКОЙ МАНГИ Volume 10 (2015) and „VOICE OF SATORI”/ „ГОЛОС
САТОРИ”, here: http://comics-factory.ru/2015/05/27/mng-10-%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BB-%D0%B2-%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82/
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