"Πόλλ᾽ οἶδ᾽ ἀλώπηξ, ἀλλ' ἐχῖνος ἕν μέγα."
A fox knows many things, but a hedgehog knows one important thing.
- Archilochus, VII B. C.
The fox has always been a symbol of trickery and cunningness. She outsmarts the other animals, and that creates many enemies. She.'s learned to survive and beat her oponents.
On the other hand, the hedgehog is associated with hard work, rationality, and wiseness. In Bulgaria it is believed that he is the oldest animal. He is called „old faith“. The Ancient Greek poet Archilochus attributes two different views of the world to these animals. The fox learns from experiences. There is no one truth in life for her. The hedgehog views the world through the lens of a single defining idea. These two animals personify two different philosophies that have left a mark on human culture.
In BANISHED, the paths of a hedgehog and a fox cross while they fight for survival, amidst a severe winter.
And you... Are you a fox? Or a hedgehog?
Our Comic Book ПРОКУДЕНИ/ BANISHED/ is distributed exclusively through one of the most beloved online stores in Bulgaria OZONE.BG It is a pleasure for us to work with the great team of OZONE.BG https://www.ozone.bg/product/prokudeni/
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