Our Free Comic МОСТЪТ/ THE BRIDGE Is Available Through The Libraries In Bulgaria

 Our free e-comics „МОСТЪТ“/ „THE BRIDGE“ is available to the libraries in Bulgaria!

We are truly grateful to Фондация „Глобални Библиотеки – България” /„Global Libraries – Bulgaria“ Foundation/ for their support! The foundation shared our comics with their network of close to 1000 libraries and chitalishtes! Chitalishte is a Bulgarian public institution and building that fulfills several functions at once, such as a community centre, library, and a theatre. We want to thank the bulgarian libraries and chitalishtes for their inspiring work of enlightenment! They are not only a place to read, but a cultural centre, organizer of events, and they support aspiring talents!

Let us love and support our libraries and chitalishtes!

Фондация „Глобални Библиотеки – България” /Foundation „Global Libraries – Bulgaria“/ supports the inclusion of the Bulgarian citizens to the global information society. You can learn more about the foundation here: https://www.glbulgaria.bg/bg

One of the libraries, that included „МОСТЪТ“/ „THE BRIDGE“ in their online catalogue is Регионална Библиотека „Априлов – Палаузов“ /“Aprilov – PalauzovRegional Library/, Gabrovo! We want to thank the library's team for their support! We wish them a happy 160th anniversary in 2021! You can read and download „МОСТЪТ“/ „THE BRIDGE“ from their catalogue of ebooks. Legends and reality, good and evil, life and death, heroes and villains meet, at „МОСТЪТ“/ „THE BRIDGE“!


Регионална Библиотека „Априлов – Палаузов“ /“Aprilov – PalauzovRegional Library/, Gabrovo! You can learn more about the library here: http://www.libgabrovo.com/
